
Medical review solutions from health care's top minds

Don’t let fraud, waste, or ill-informed medical policy eat up money that’s intended for health care. Our staff of 300+ medical physicians, nurses and other health care clinicians are trusted to bring medical integrity to every relationship.

Medical Review Solutions

  • Medical necessity determination
    Medical necessity starts with solid policies and filters down into individual claims review and education. Noridian’s determination services cover the full spectrum.
  • Coding validation
    As medical coding complexity increases so too does the risk for errors. Tap into Noridian’s validation services for better accuracy without adding to your internal workload.
  • Overpayment recovery
    Overpayments keep millions of dollars from intended recipients. Our advanced analytic services, along with other checks and balances, decreases overpayment probability and quickly corrects errors.
  • Claims audit
    Conducting thousands of audits every year, Noridian helps payers control spending and keep funds going toward their intended purpose.

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quote five stars

"They are the voice of knowledge, the voice of calm, the voice of reassurance – and provide an empathetic ear when needed."

-Kim Mertz, Chief Healthy & Safe Communities Section North Dakota Department of Health